March Birthstones


March's birthstone is aquamarine, a pure, clear blue stone that evokes the sea and sky.

Aquamarine is cooling and calming to the nervous system. Embodying the qualities of the water element, it keeps communication clear and flowing with ease. Aquamarine can empower the wearer to speak their truth with softness, and is connected to the throat chakra.

Here's how to create your birthstone necklace:

1. Select a birth month, then pick your favorite stone(s),

2. Add spacers, if you like (tiny gold beads that provide space between the stones),

3. Add a heart, if you like,

4. Sarah will then create your necklace, stringing your picks on a fine 18k gold chain, finishing with a handmade gold clasp. 

Buy one birthstone or mix and match any number of stones in the Birthstone Collection to reflect the birthdates of your loves. Don't see stones that light you up? Contact Sarah to create a custom necklace.